Just being together :) - You and "Mommy it`s me"

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For us, "Mommy its me " is a story of transformation. When we started with Japanese products, we had no idea that it would become the main focus of our business. But when we got to know each brand, we immediatelynoticed the high quality of products, which is the main criterion for us.

We adore children, we understand how important it is for each parent to know that this product is needed,that the purchase will be useful and of good quality.
Therefore, we add only brands that we personally tested, which are used by us, our children, relatives and
What is the "Mommy its me " philosophy? We are convinced that if mother is happy, the whole family is
happy. With our products it is possible to enjoy motherhood and parenthood. You do not have to waste
your time and your family's budget by searching through all the variety, because we have already done
that for you. We have selected only the best and highest quality brands.
We believe that the right product - the key to success. That's why our primary focus is consultation. For
us it is important that your purchase will leave a pleasant aftertaste and a desire to return, as well as
recommend us to your friends.
